Raw Desserts Eliminate Guilt and Get Rave Reviews

i love dessert2In a perfect world, desserts would be healthy. They would provide you with anti-oxidants, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. There would be no bloating, lethargy or guilt felt as a result of eating them either.

Is there such a dessert? A way to feed our body nutrients while enjoying one of mankind’s favorite past times…snacking on desserts and treats?

You might be surprised to know that the answer is simple…raw desserts created from nature’s bounty…without processed ingredients or high heat that destroys the nutrients.

Eating “raw” (including dessert) helps eliminate the culprits that have been linked to degenerative diseases and weight gain including “bad carbs” (white flour and sugar) and “bad fats” (saturated fats and trans fats) along with a heap of unhealthy chemicals and preservatives. [Read more…]

ENS…Your Gut-Brain Intelligence

headbrain-gutbrainDid you know that you are really sporting two brains? That’s right. The human body actually has two brains…one that we are most familiar with in our heads…and another in the gut that most people are not even aware of.

Within the human body is a nervous system that is so complex it has been dubbed the second brain. With an estimated 500 million neurons and around 9 meters long it stretches from your esophagus to your anus.

This second brain is your enteric nervous system (ENS) that has its own unique kind of intelligence…different than your head-brain intellect.

It has long been known that this intelligence controls digestion…however it also plays an important role in your mental as well as physical well-being. It is part of the autonomic nervous system…the system of peripheral nerves that control visceral functions. Although you are not conscious of your “gut” thinking, it helps you sense environmental threats and influences your responses. [Read more…]

Are You Busy “Weight-cycling” Rather Than Losing Weight Permanently?

yo-yo dietingWeight cycling…a term that experts use to define what others call yo-yo dieting is becoming a national pastime.

Truth is the world is obsessed with dieting and bottom line is 99 ½% of diets simply do not work because you are taking yourself into a temporary plan. Temporary plans are just that…temporary. The results are going to be temporary when you engage a temporary diet…one that asks you to change your diet…temporarily.

Have you figured out that the keyword here is “temporary”?

Unfortunately, no matter how good we are on our diets…no matter if we stick to the diet to the end, if your diet is not a complete lifestyle change that takes you into the future then your temporary results disappear after a short while.

Most people simply regain what they have taken off when dieting and this kicks in “weight cycling” or yo-yo dieting and the reason a typical dieter begins a new diet plan as many as 4 times a year. The results simply don’t stick around.

The problem is…your waistline is not the only thing taking a hit when you yo-yo. “Repeated crash dieting increases metabolic hormones such as insulin, and elevates levels of sex hormones, including estrogen,” says Andrea Pennington MD. These types of changes cause you to add weight to your middle section…not a good thing because it is linked to insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. [Read more…]

Flavorful Healthy Fats

healthy-fatsWe are all aware of the programs we use on our computers but few of us are aware of how the foods we eat actually program our bodies.

Choosing to eat fructose and the wrong types of carbohydrates (for example grains which break down into sugar) lead to weight gain, obesity, weight loss resistance and other more serious health issues.

These foods “program” your body to become fat and stay fat. It’s interesting to note that most of the foods that make us fat today were not even found on diets of our ancient ancestors.

They activate and program our bodies to continue to store fat rather than burning it and once on this merry-go-round, the only way off is to remove these foods from our diets. [Read more…]

2 Most Basic, Awesome and Effective Exercises Ever Invented

girl-deadliftWhile there are literally hundreds of strength training exercises to choose from, very few are actually worth doing. The few exercises that are worth doing are the exercises that provide the most bang for your buck.

In other words, the few exercises worth doing are your ticket to fast results. These special exercises could be called the “20%” Club”, they are the number one and two exercises that give you the best shaped legs and firm sexy butt.

Many are already familiar with the phrase “80% of business comes from 20% of your clients or customers.” As a result those 20% of clients or customers is what real smart companies concentrate on keeping happy.

This same type of philosophy can be applied to strength training. Trainees that ignore the 20% exercises that provide the most bang for their buck are the same trainees that never make any meaningful progress. They are neglecting the exercises that provide the greatest benefit and that’s a huge mistake!

They fail to recognize the fact that these 20% of exercises will produce 80% of their gains…in fact, this number is as high as 100% of gains. [Read more…]

What is Cellulite?

cellulite3What is cellulite?

In simple terms, cellulite is a type of fat tissue. Inside this fat tissue is connective tissue that protects our muscles and organs. When fats, fluids and toxins get trapped in this connective tissue they harden, creating pockets that appear through the skin as dimples. This is what we call cellulite. This condition occurs mostly in women due to the circular shaping of their fat cells.

Cellulite is not usually one’s favorite topic of conversation because it makes its appearance most often in the thighs, buttocks, breasts and abdominal areas. The dimples and pockets of cellulite are storing toxins.

Fortunately, this condition doesn’t directly affect your health, however, it is a sign (and one you need to pay attention to) that you are leading an unhealthy lifestyle. [Read more…]

You Can Beat Inflammation

anti-inflammatoryThe starting point for many seriously debilitating diseases and ailments is inflammation.

Every one of us has experienced inflammation at some point in our lives from swollen joints to severe arthritis.

But, those are just the obvious signs we have inflammation going on. Inflammation can also hide its damage well. It plays a role in many brain diseases but because there are no pain receptors operating there, you are never aware that you are experiencing inflammation while you are experiencing it.

Because of that hidden danger alone, we need to take proactive steps in maintaining an anti-inflammatory diet by keeping our blood sugar levels in balance and in check and by incorporating as many healthy fats like avocados and olive oil into our daily diets as possible.

There are so many positives to following an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition. Your diet will  naturally be filled with healthy unrefined and unprocessed carbohydrates…no more dead calories.

You’ll enjoy colorful fruits, vegetables and healthy whole grains, all of which supply you with a range of important anti-oxidants. [Read more…]

Flax Seed Fever

flaxseed2Is flax seed the new wonder food?

Preliminary studies show that flax seed may help fight everything from heart disease and diabetes to breast cancer.

The tiny but mighty flax seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads on the planet. While its technically not a grain, its vitamin and mineral profile is similar to grains but flax seed kicks butt in fiber, antioxidants and those all important Omega-3’s.

This little wonder shows evidence that it may help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes, quite a tall order for a tiny seed that’s been around for centuries. [Read more…]

The Art of Assessing Your Self-Talk

rebound free1Most people have no idea what kind of impact the “self-statements” they make to themselves continually all day long have on them.

What statements are you telling yourself? If you are dieting are you aware of how are these statements impact how you feel about the progress you are making?

Have you ever noticed that the “voice in your head” has a lot of self-judgments? You know this voice, it’s the voice you give great authority to…the one that is always giving advice (only the advice is fear based), and telling us what we should and should not do. [Read more…]

The Amazing Colorful Sweet Potato

sweet potatoesSweet potato…it’s what’s good for you.

This oddly shaped tuber is gaining in popularity and is no longer just invited once a year for Thanksgiving.

Grown throughout the tropics, sweet potatoes are often confused with yams…another starchy root vegetable but they are not even in the same family. Yams are larger in size than sweet potatoes and have been known to grow up to 120 pounds in weight. The easiest way to distinguish a yam from a sweet potato is by checking the skin (you can’t always trust what the grocery store sign indicates). Sweet potatoes are smaller with a very thin peel whereas larger yams have thicker, rougher, dark brown to pink skin. [Read more…]