Gaining All Your Weight Back? How often do you “bend the rules?”

eat thisIf you struggle to take weight off and keep it off the problem may be as simple as listening to yourself and paying attention to your “excuses.”

These excuses either stop you from “doing the right thing” when it comes to what you are eating or the amount of exercise you are getting or your excuse may surface in the form of “bending the rules.”

For example how often when you are trying to diet do you say to yourself “oh it’s just one bite…it can’t hurt that much.” Truth is, for every 100 extra calories you consume on a daily basis, you gain 10 lbs. a year. So, that innocent “little bite” adds up and in the end is not so “innocent” after all.

Another excuse that allows people to “skirt by” the dieting issue when eating is “It’s made with fruit.”

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Tackling Those Tummy Toxins

belly-fatMany people are not aware of the chemicals that are continually finding their way into their bodies where they can remain for years causing “behind the scene” damage.

More than any other time in the history of mankind humans are being exposed to dangerous chemicals.

There are 3,000 plus and counting known chemicals added to the food supply and more than 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers, and preservatives are used in food processing and storage.

Truth is, our bodies are continually bombarded by poor air quality, chemically contaminated food and water, household cleaners, paint fumes, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and heavy metals. [Read more…]

Creating a Short On Time Workout Session that Works

carolynhansensitness.comLet’s face it, most of us are finding it harder and harder to squeeze everything into our demanding modern day schedules.

That includes our exercise routine. There will always be those times when life just gets incredibly busy and you can’t get your workouts in. During these times, it’s helpful to have a back-up plan in place; a workout that you can turn to that’s incredibly fast paced but yet will still work the body efficiently and effectively.

As long as you are structuring things correctly, it is definitely possible to get a complete awesome workout in just 10 minutes time. [Read more…]

Leptin, Weight Gain and Inflammation

rebound weight1Leptin is a major player in the war against “rebound weight-gain.” You know…the weight that you worked so hard to take off that is creeping back on.

Studies prove that there is an important connection between the hormone leptin, weight gain and inflammation.

Because leptin regulates your body’s level of fat by controlling your appetite and metabolism, it’s obvious that the more fat tissue you add, the more leptin is produced by your body. For healthy people this process leads to leptin suppressing the appetite but speeding up the metabolism causing them to feel less hunger and burn more calories resulting in loss of excess fat, the way the process is supposed to work.

However, this process does not work properly in those with chronic inflammation because chronic inflammation impairs the brain’s ability to receive leptin’s message to shut down the appetite. [Read more…]

Control Hunger and Curb Your Appetite Following the 40-30-30 Formula

zone dietThere is a metabolic state in which the human body operates most efficiently and can only be achieved by eating the correct proportion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in every meal.

The 40-30-30 eating plan is a popular way of eating that favors a ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. This kind of ration/diet works to stabilize blood sugar and helps control hunger.

It works to curb food cravings and promotes weight loss yet supplies enough energy so that an effective exercise program may be undertaken.

The goal of the 40-30-30 diet plan is to achieve proper balance between two primary metabolic hormones; insulin and glucagon. Insulin is the hormones that encourages the body to store excess calories as fat and glucagon is responsible for seeing that fat is burned off. [Read more…]

Yummy Cherry Almond Cookies

cherry cookiesIt doesn’t matter what season it is or whether we’re celebrating a specific holiday or entertaining friends, dessert usually ends up the star of the show.

After all, for most, it will be the last part of the meal and the last thing you or your guests enjoy before the evening is over so it’s not surprising that it sticks in their minds.

Every day we hear more and more about the negative effects of gluten or white flour or sugar…and now we learn that “cooking” at high temperatures destroys many of the nutrients we paid good money for and what we’re really consuming is a sad representation of the healthy nutrients that used to be there.

So, how do we keep dessert as the star of the show when there is so much negativity about ingredients that are normally associated with desserts? How do we shift from eating foods with white sugar, white flour, dead calories and few nutrients…foods that we have been offered our whole lives and conditioned on our whole lives? [Read more…]

Stubborn Belly Fat is More Than Just Unattractive

bellyfat1Stubborn belly fat…it’s not only unattractive, but it is dangerous to your health.

Unfortunately, the sad truth is the average American carries around nearly 30 billion fat cells with abdominal fat the focus because of its relation and striking distance to the heart, liver and other important organs. The extra fat gathered in the abdominal area presses on organs, feeding them dangerous poisons and messing up their daily functions.

A study on the effects of weak abdominal muscles as opposed to those with the strongest abdominal muscles was conducted in Canada on more than 8,000 people in a span of over 13 years revealed that those with the weakest stomach muscles had a death rate at more than twice as those with strong stomach muscles. [Read more…]

Luscious Health Promoting Lemon Water

Lemonwater2Drinking lemon water is good for you. And, far from being a myth, not only is it good for you, but it can actually help you to speed up weight loss with its real weight-loss powers and it helps to clear out some of the toxins in your body.

The perfect time to enjoy lemon water is in the morning because it helps to activate your body’s detoxifying process are end also its natural cleansing process.

Drinking lemon water helps with weight loss for a couple of reasons.

First let’s check out the lemon itself. Lemons have strong antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting powers. These yellow gems contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, vitamin C, bioflavonoids and limonene…all of which help fight infections and promote immunity. [Read more…]

Mother Earth is Your Greatest Healing Tool

earthing does a body goodIt seems that the earth itself may turn out to be our greatest natural healer. The earth it seems knows exactly what our bodies are in need of most and goes to work to heal that very issue.

Truth is, there are many systems in the body that are affected when we connect with the earth. Walking barefoot on the earth is natural for humans (similar results can also be achieved with leather shoes)…although you won’t get that luscious “feel” of Mother Earth caressing your feet as you walk.

Noted cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD. says, “I regard Earthing as the greatest health breakthrough in all my ears in medical practice. Regular grounding (another name for Earthing) restores the body’s natural electrical state, calms the nervous system, reduces inflammation, and improves circulation. No pill on Earth can do what Mother Earth does!” [Read more…]

Strength Training is Key to Shifting Body Weight and Shaping Your Body

woman strength trainingIf you are looking for ways to change your body, shift around and lose some of the excess weight you’ve been toting around then strength training is your key.

Hours and hours of cardio on end do very little to actually change your body. You may become slightly smaller if you are burning enough calories, but you’ll just be a smaller version of yourself.

In many cases, you might even find that you become not only smaller, but a softer, flabbier version of yourself. Not really much improvement.

Excessive cardio training does a great job of burning up lean muscle mass. Think of it this way, if you are training your body to exercise for long periods of time, it knows in order to do this effectively it needs to get rid of the densest tissue and the tissue that uses up the most energy. [Read more…]