Terrible Toxins are Making You Fat

toxins2Our toxic world is one of the reasons we become overweight.

Toxins are stored in your fat cells and this is one of the primary reasons why many people have trouble maintaining healthy weight or losing excess weight.

Nearly 77,000 known chemicals are in active production and our exposure to these chemicals is greater than at any time in history. Our food supply gets hit with 3,000 added chemicals and more than 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are used in food processing and storage. [Read more…]

“Black and White Thinking” is Detrimental to Dieting Success

The idea of doing things to perfection or not at all is a mentality that many people adopt while dieting because they believe that it will help them stick to their diet…but in actuality, it works against them and can actually be the catalyst causing them to give up on their diet.

Life is not black and white and neither should your dieting be “black or white”. Black and white thinking is virtually what it sounds like-one extreme to another. You are either 100% on or you are 100% off.

That either makes you perfect or an absolute failure. Not a good thing.

Those that engage in this type of thinking set themselves up for failure because of their belief that they must be perfect so anything shy of this is perceived as complete failure.

This type of belief is discouraging to your psyche and ultimately your diet plan.

Whatever you think you manifest…so, if you experience a “bad” day your thoughts/beliefs are that you have “ruined everything” and may as well quit. Chances are you will follow through with that belief and quit the battle.

The smarter way to approach your diet it to be balanced in your beliefs and thinking…understand that each day presents new challenges and opportunities and that no two days will be alike…therefore trying to adhere to “black and white” thinking puts you on a path of dieting failure before you begin.

Know that you will experience good days, better days and best days while you diet. Learn to pat yourself on the back for the little things that you tackle and overcome on a daily basis, each one moving you a bit closer to your weight and fitness goal.

Learn to focus on the positive you are achieving.

Be realistic…understand from the start that you will experience set-backs. It’s part of the game. But, it is the energy created overcoming these set-backs that gives you the momentum to move forward. You feel empowered each time you overcome.

Each set-back of itself is unlikely to set you up for full blown-failure if you “go with the flow” and don’t focus on failure but see it as an opportunity.

Be Daring!

Allow some of your favorite foods to be part of your diet. Without those favorites tossed in you are likely setting yourself up for binging on food. Deprivation is not the route to take…it only puts you at risk for overeating. Curb the “temptations” with small portions of the “bad” stuff…the stuff you really crave. Allow yourself some treats now and again rather than creating a “resistance” monster by making it something that is totally off limits for good.

If you try and stick to a diet that includes a majority of foods that you don’t like you will eventually dread every meal.

Black and white thinking is the cowards way out…you gave in and ate that last cookie…so, now you should quit altogether because you’ve “screwed up”.

It matters not what you’ve done in the past…only what you are tackling now. It’s never too late to “get back in the game”

Balance is the key to dieting the same way that balance is the key to success at anything in life.

Allow yourself to be human through the experience…know that mistakes are part of the process.

Somewhere between an overly-strict diet plan and gorging on anything you want you’ll find balance. This balance will create both happiness and health in your life and ultimately success.

That’s the key to real dieting success…

Throw away everything you’ve ever been told about dieting and learn what it really takes to win the weight loss battle once and for all…”Rebound Free Weight Loss” is your ticket to slimming down for good once and for all.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Muscles, Energy and Metabolism

thermicHere are some basic key tips to understand when talking about muscles, energy and metabolism.

What you need to know:

Muscles use energy when they contract (they are highly metabolic so the more toned muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn).

The more intense muscle contractions become the more energy they will use to perform the movement.

[Read more…]

Don’t Fall into the Trap of Dieting with “Diet Foods”

diet cycleAre you in a continual battle with your weight? If so, you need a firm and proper game plan. You must be prepared to battle beliefs and habits that formed a long time ago and continue to lead you down “repeat road”. You must be prepared for battle if you want to win the war.

Unfortunately once fat has gained its position on our bodies it’s not likely to let go easily…fat loss is not something that happens just “by chance” and if you are out to win the battle against this villain the better prepared you are the better your results will be. [Read more…]

Treat Yourself to Raw Desserts and Treats and Eliminate the Guilt Forever!

apple pieEating fresh is finally becoming a mainstream diet. More and more people are waking to the fact that their bodies, minds and habits are all part of the same scene that is out-picturing in their lives and that in order to display perfect health and vitality each area needs to be balanced and healthy.

Eating raw is the answer. The more of your diet that begins and ends using raw ingredients the more nutrition you are squeezing into each bite you take.

Switching to eating fresh/raw during our regular meals such as breakfast, lunch or dinner is hard enough and a challenge on its own, but is there a way to eat fresh when we’re in the mood for a sweet snack or when enjoying dessert? [Read more…]

Inflammation the Silent Health Thief

inflammation1Losing weight is never picnic. I mean who do you know that says “I love to diet” ?

We all are aware that having lots of excess body fat is not a good thing for our health…but how many people understand that this fat actually produces a chronic stat of low-grade inflammation, making losing weight harder than ever. Losing weight is easier when inflammation is reduced.

This state of inflammation ends up fighting our natural hormonal responses to hunger and food. This damages our delicate appetite regulation hormones and they no longer work properly. The result of this is intensively strong food cravings which are near impossible to ignore. [Read more…]

Eating Clean; A New Way of Thinking about Food

reboundfreeweightlossEating clean is a new way of thinking about food that results in treating your body right. It is a simple but back to basics approach to nutrition…consuming food in its most natural state or as close to it as possible. This type approach also shifts your mindset from eating simply to satisfy cravings to eating to nourish.

This new concept is growing quickly in popularity because it is not a fad diet nor is it a gimmick. It is beyond these; it is a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation that leads to health, well-being and a slim, trim, lean body.

A clean diet is a simple diet; one rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and proteins. It limits the intake of sugars, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and unhealthy food preparation as well as avoiding or eliminating heavily processed foods and other “junk” food from your diet. [Read more…]

Stress Can Cause Weight Gain

rebound weight lossInsulin and leptin are two important hormones that you must pay attention to if you are to free yourself from the “weight rebound” cycle.

Cortisol is the other hormone that you need to make yourself very aware of as it plays a key role in your progress that you will notice.

Corisol is the stress hormone and is associated with the “fight or flight” response which basically causes a large amount of glucose/energy to be pumped into the blood stream in case you need it for survival.

All this energy was, for very obvious reasons very important back in ancient time when humans encountered wild animals and would need to run very fast and far towards safety; a very a stressful situation at best.

For the most part in modern society we just don’t encounter those types of situations anymore and we’re much more likely to be sitting at a desk when stress comes knocking. You simply don’t need the same dose of energy to make it through.

This means that this large amount of sugar sits in the blood temporarily before it’s taken up by a flood of insulin that comes to the rescue.

But guess what? Where do you think that insulin is going to hide this excess sugar? In your body fat stores...those will be the primary targets.

The more cortisol you have in your body, the more chances you have of gaining excess body fat. Not your goal for sure. And, to make matters even worse, the place you are most likely to gain body fat when cortisol is at work is the belly fat region.

If getting a lean midsection is part of your plan, the number one thing you need to be doing is to make sure that you are controlling your stress levels so that cortisol does not enter the picture nearly as often.

Many people react to stress and the production of cortisol by eating more foods that are higher in carbohydrates. This will definitely lead to weight gain.

Many things will impact the release of cortisol but stress (emotional, mental or physical), lack of sleep and a very low calorie diet are the big ones that I am aware of. Another reason to gain control over this hormone is that it will make you feel generally run-down, weak and tired. You must work to eliminate it as much as possible from the picture.

With our modern lifestyles, many of us face chronic stress as a way of life…which means we have elevated levels of cortisol. When the levels of cortisol are high the body thinks it needs extra fuel and unfortunately that storage happens around the middle…in the abdomen, often referred to as the “spare tire”.

With the proper diet set-up, you can easily control all three of the hormones (leptin, insulin and cortisol) that play a role in weight loss so that they don’t become a problem that they otherwise would. Setting yourself back significantly in your results is not going to help how you feel as you go about that diet plan in the first place.

Do you struggle to keep weight off after you’ve worked so hard to take it off? It does not have to be that way…you just need to be educated. Learn what it really takes to win the weight loss battle once and for all…

“Rebound Free Weight Loss” your ticket to the body you’ve always dreamed of.

Exercise, Diet and Sleep are Equally Important

sleep1Sleep is your secret weapon when it comes to seeing the fastest rate of fat loss possible. Unfortunately with the lifestyles most lead in today’s busy world, sleep is most likely the last thing on your mind. It’s that long to-do list that keeps your attention.

Experiencing one night without good rest is tough enough but turn it into multiple nights in a row and your body and mind will be feeling it.

So, why is sleep so important if we want to continue to see fat loss? [Read more…]

Understanding Your Basil and Thermic Metabolic Rates

basil metabolic rateEveryone is aware of the fact that calorie intake is a key component in the weight loss war, but how do you pinpoint how many calories you should eat daily?

There are 3 different components that need to be examined:

Your BMR, Basil Metabolic Rate

Your TEF, Thermic Metabolic Rate

Your Activity Level

Let’s begin with your BMR. Your basal metabolic rate refers to how many calories your body needs to consume each and every day just to stay alive; to keep your brain functioning, your heart beating and your lungs taking in oxygen in order to keep you alive. [Read more…]