Treat Yourself to Raw Desserts and Treats and Eliminate the Guilt Forever!

apple pieEating fresh is finally becoming a mainstream diet. More and more people are waking to the fact that their bodies, minds and habits are all part of the same scene that is out-picturing in their lives and that in order to display perfect health and vitality each area needs to be balanced and healthy.

Eating raw is the answer. The more of your diet that begins and ends using raw ingredients the more nutrition you are squeezing into each bite you take.

Switching to eating fresh/raw during our regular meals such as breakfast, lunch or dinner is hard enough and a challenge on its own, but is there a way to eat fresh when we’re in the mood for a sweet snack or when enjoying dessert? [Read more…]

Inflammation the Silent Health Thief

inflammation1Losing weight is never picnic. I mean who do you know that says “I love to diet” ?

We all are aware that having lots of excess body fat is not a good thing for our health…but how many people understand that this fat actually produces a chronic stat of low-grade inflammation, making losing weight harder than ever. Losing weight is easier when inflammation is reduced.

This state of inflammation ends up fighting our natural hormonal responses to hunger and food. This damages our delicate appetite regulation hormones and they no longer work properly. The result of this is intensively strong food cravings which are near impossible to ignore. [Read more…]

The Importance of Dietary Fats

good fatsMany people believe that cutting dietary fats is the route to go in order to stay lean. However, this is not quite an accurate picture and despite what you’ve been told, fat isn’t always the bad guy when it comes to waistline wars.

Truth is, dietary fats are also extremely important for success. When you go about your day to day activities, you can easily utilize dietary fat as a fuel source and in fact, this is actually preferable because then you will be sparing your glucose stores.

Futhermore, dietary fats have absolutely no influence on blood glucose levels so they’ll help to keep your energy level very stable over time. Combined with a good source of protein and your energy level will stay consistent for hours at a stretch.

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Eating Clean; A New Way of Thinking about Food

reboundfreeweightlossEating clean is a new way of thinking about food that results in treating your body right. It is a simple but back to basics approach to nutrition…consuming food in its most natural state or as close to it as possible. This type approach also shifts your mindset from eating simply to satisfy cravings to eating to nourish.

This new concept is growing quickly in popularity because it is not a fad diet nor is it a gimmick. It is beyond these; it is a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation that leads to health, well-being and a slim, trim, lean body.

A clean diet is a simple diet; one rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and proteins. It limits the intake of sugars, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and unhealthy food preparation as well as avoiding or eliminating heavily processed foods and other “junk” food from your diet. [Read more…]

The Role of Insulin in Fat Storage

insulinThere are numerous hormones in the body that are going to impact how you feel and function on a day to day basis. In order to best be able to see successful weight loss and function, you need to learn how to optimize these hormones so that they are working for you rather than against you.

The first hormone you must know about is insulin. Insulin is released from the pancreas whenever you consume carbohydrate rich foods. Its primary job is to enter the blood stream taking up all the excess glucose that’s present and moving it into the tissue cells unless it is utilized immediately as a fuel source. [Read more…]

Evil Trans Fats

french friesEvidence of the close link between the quality of the food we eat and our personal health and disease is becoming clearer. Preventing disease is not just about eating less or even losing weight. It is about making better choices in our food selections.

Our diets need to be cleaner. They should include proteins, grass fed meats, free range poultry and eggs, ocean fish, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. We should avoid sugars, unhealthy fats, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, chemicals and unhealthy food preparation. Any heavily processed food or “junk” foods should also be eliminated from our diet. [Read more…]

The Importance of Vitamins and Supplements


Supplements and vitamins…do we need them?

Supplements are important but it is equally important to realize from the start that there is no supplement in the world that can replace a proper diet and exercise program.

The rampant mistaken belief that putting in half the effort while relying on taking supplements to achieve the results you are hoping for is a huge mistake.

Supplements can help but they do not have the power to overcome a lackluster nutritional diet and poor exercise plan. They are meant to supplement your diet efforts…just as the name implies. Give it any more power than that and you’re headed for trouble. [Read more…]

Proper Nutrition and Body Weight Rebound

diet planWe’ve already discussed the two  most significant reasons why you see a body weight rebound after using so many diet plans in “Dealing With Metabolic Slow Down When Dieting”.

There is one more issue that can be a reason for metabolic concern and body weight rebound; malnutrition.

If you are not eating enough of the right types of foods you risk becoming deficient in a number of key vitamins and minerals and that causes changes in your metabolism and it isn’t going to operate as well as it should.

Most diets out there do cause you to become short in B vitamins and iron as well as calcium because you are so limited in your food choices. Many others have very low carbohydrate approaches as well which can cause your body to struggle when you re-introduce them into your diet.

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Detoxify Your Body With Nutrient-Dense Foods


Know what’s lurking inside your fat cells?

Chemicals and heavy metals.

Studies have shown that most people have between 400-800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies. When our bodies exceed the limit that we can excrete, we begin storing these toxins and this accumulation of poison seriously compromises our health.

When excess body fat begins to accumulate, it usually means that toxins are accumulating too. When this fat is primarily around the mid-section, it is a good indication that the liver is not functioning as efficiently as it should. [Read more…]

Starvation Diets are Out Healthy Lifestyles Are In

starvation dietStarvation diets are not your friends. They do not provide the proper amount of calories your body needs to function at peak performance and your body reacts to the situation by drawing on its reserves to provide the energy needed. This puts added stress on your body and is not the answer to permanent weight loss.

Let’s examine what happens when you adhere to a low-calorie diet when trying to achieve your permanent weight loss goals. [Read more…]