Recipes Packed With Smart Nutrition

chfitness1How many people do you know that start up a diet program hoping to lose weight temporarily?

How many people want to get down to their ideal weight only to have it come piling back on shortly after they come off their diet protocol?

Pretty easy answer huh? NONE.

Who the heck wants to go through all that work only to have what you’ve done reappear?

People want a diet that is going to help them lose weight and keep it off for good, they want to make sure that they sustain that new lower weight for all of time to come.

They want a permanent weight loss solution and I am sure if you are reading this that’s exactly what you are looking for too. [Read more…]

Antioxidants to the Rescue

top 20 foodsAlthough antioxidants themselves do not have a direct effect on your weight loss, the foods that are rich in antioxidants do.

Most people are aware of the need for antioxidants in order to fight disease but have no idea that they can play a role in maintaining your weight and losing fat.

Antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals and protect the body from cellular damage. Some antioxidants can be obtained through diet choices and others are produced in the body when the calories are converted into energy. The antioxidants we get from the foods we eat are exogenous antioxidants. [Read more…]

Maintaining Acid-Alkaline Balance

alkaline1One of the biggest benefits of eating foods in their raw state is they provide us important alkaline foods, foods we can enjoy in abundance.

A typical Western diet is high in carbohydrates, sugar and fat while low in complex carbohydrates all of which promote an overly acidic body chemistry. Other products such as alcohol, coffee, tobacco, chemicals additives and drugs of all kinds compound this acidic problem.

Acidic foods can potentially cause damage to your liver or kidneys and can even increase the risk of getting diabetes. [Read more…]

Green Smoothies are Not Always Green

Intense food cravings that are very hard to ignore are a problem for many people. Modern day diets now include many processed and prepackaged food-like substances that supply little to zero nutrition our bodies cry out for.

Our bodies require a certain amount of nutrients to thrive. Drinking or eating something that is packed with an abundance of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals and chlorophyll helps to fill this need and satisfy our cravings as we go throughout our day.

When you get some healthy greens into your system you will notice cravings for junk type foods lessen and cravings for more healthy nutrient dense foods like vegetables increasing.

Looking and feeling our

best really is as simple as eating better…not about eating less.

We need to reduce or eliminate altogether the known culprits in our foods that have been linked to skyrocketing levels of degenerative disease and weight gain.

We are beginning to have a better understanding of how adding something as simple as a few more raw uncooked foods while eating less processed ‘empty’ foods is a great way to take better care of our healthy.

Raw Foods and Green Smoothies

But getting raw foods into our diets can sometimes be a bit tricky…at least until “green smoothies” became so popular.

Making and serving delicious green smoothies is an easy way to get these raw foods into our bodies and those of our family. When we fill up on nutrient rich smoothies, it leaves less room for processed refined “non-nutrient” foods, sweets and other over-indulgences.

Eating clean and eliminating the junk from your diet helps you to feel lighter and more energized. It helps re-build healthy digestion energy production, metabolism and weight management.

By eating raw foods, we inject health-promoting vitamins, enzymes, fiber, healthy ‘carbs’ and fats, anti-oxidants and Phytonutrients which are compounds and chemicals that help plants defend against environmental challenges such as damage from pests, or ultraviolet light and appear to provide humans with the same type of protection as well.

Studies show that you can reduce your cancer risk by as much as 40 percent by eating more raw vegetables, fruits, and other plant based foods like coconut, nuts and seeds. Cooking is not our friend…it dramatically reduces food’s phytochemical content and reduces or destroys the ability of antioxidants in food to do their job correctly.

This is where green smoothies shine. What better way to get these health promoting goodies into our bodies than to throw then into a blender and puree up a super delicious power drink?

They not only help prevent disease and weight gain, but provide super nutrition and increase our vitality and energy…the very things we need to live life the fullest.

Green smoothies are a combination of tender green leaves blended with fruit and water. Any greens and any fruit can be blended to your taste. Greens are extremely nutritious but are also hard to fit into most daily meals and diets.

Although you can use whatever you want be aware that cabbage or broccoli are too starchy and do not mix well with fruit. It’s best to look for any type of green leafy vegetable that is soft enough to wrap around your finger. Spinach for example is a great one to start with as it has a relatively mild flavor and blends easily with other ingredients.

Keep in mind as that not all green smoothies turn out green. What you include in the way of ingredients will determine the color and it may not always be the most pleasing color to your eyes but the hidden nutrients are there.strawberry green smoothie

Here’s a getting started recipe. Use whatever veggies and fruit is in season in your areas for maximum freshness and change it around depending on what is available.

Start simple by adding just a few greens to your traditional fruit smoothies until you get used to the idea.

  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • Few sprigs of parsley
  • 1 banana
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 cup water

Place all ingredients into a high speed blender with water and blend to desired consistency and smoothness. (Can be kept 2-3 days in fridge but best consumed fresh).

Your body is an amazing machine; if you give it the right fuel it knows how to heal itself. Many people have cured themselves of all sorts of health problems by incorporating green smoothies into their diets.

“If you’re overweight or obese, you’ve probably heard that the path to better health starts with losing weight. What you may not have heard though, is that if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you’ve got to start by being healthier.”

Let me help shorten the learning curve and provide you with the tools you need in my…
“Rebound Free Weight Loss” program. There’s no time like now to empower yourself. You can do this…you just need the right help.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Tips to Avoid Emotional Eating

foodexerciseFor many, food has become a mechanism for dealing with trauma.

Whether you emotionally eat in order to feel better or because you lack confidence and the ability to accept a healthier you here’s some tips to help you conquer your emotions and your emotional eating.

First off, you need to get acquainted with the voice in your head…after all, it’s talking all day long and rarely shuts up. Make a conscious choice to decide what story will play in your head, change any erroneous story that repeats in your head such as “I feel deprived when I can’t eat my favorite foods when I want” to “I am so proud of myself for taking control and eating healthy and saying ‘no’ to undesirable snacks”. [Read more…]

Exploring the “Whole Grain Myth”

If you’re like most people, you likely see the term “whole grain” and automatically you believe that the food will actually be healthy for you. That’s how much we’ve been conditioned.

It’s time to bust the “whole grain myth”. Don’t be fooled any longer.

The reality is whole grain is often (most times) not much healthier than the straight white food variety so you really aren’t going to be that much better off going the whole grain route.

Unfortunately, whole grains still have to endure some degree of processing in order to reach your dinner plate. Unlike an apple or peach that you can eat straight off the tree, whole grain foods go through a number of steps before they turn into the bread you use on your sandwich. It has to be milled (often finely milled) to become the flour. Add to that vast amounts of white sugar and chemicals for taste appeal and texture and you’ve got a product that is far from the healthy product you believed it was.

Even if the whole grains products are not stripped of their fiber and other nutrients during manufacturing, they are still processed which means they are going to break down more quickly, may contain unhealthy ingredients and will increase blood glucose levels more than foods that do come straight from the ground.

An increase in blood glucose levels causes an increase in blood insulin levels. Chronically elevated blood insulin levels (due to a diet high in refined carbohydrates) leads to belly fat storage. Not a good thing.

Gluten Intolerance

Whole grains also contain gluten which presents another whole set of problems and issues for those with gluten intolerance.

Gluten causes its fair share of digestive nightmares which in turn lead to a host of inflammatory and chronic diseases including diabetes and obesity.

Are you aware that just two slices of whole wheat bread causes a bigger and quicker sugar spike (glycemic index of 72) than a spoonful of white table sugar (index of 59)? It does not matter whether the bread includes all sorts of seeds and could be called “multi-grained” or sprouted wheat…the impact on your blood sugar is still greater than table sugar.

Most of us are aware of what a spike in blood sugar does…it causes a spike in insulin on of the body’s fat storage hormones. Thus bread is right associated with a spike in blood sugar resulting in an insulin spike resulting in weight gain.

There are many people who don’t have the necessary enzymes to break these foods down and as such they give their bodies a high level of grief in the digestion process. If you suffer from being bloated, headaches or other gastrointestinal issues after eating foods that contain wheat you’ll likely do much better cutting out all of these grains from your diet entirely.

If your diet is balanced with a wide range of fruits, veggies and fats included, and you don’t have an intolerance to gluten eating a range of whole grains with different textures, nutrients and tastes is the key and you don’t have to cut these whole grains from your diet altogether.

Just be aware and don’t be too quick to assume that just because the food you are eating is whole grain it’s the best and healthiest option. In many cases it is not.

It’s tempting to blame wheat for all our weight problems but truth is, weight problems are never caused by one food alone. Its total diet and lifestyle that really matter in the end.

“Rebound Free Weight Loss” teaches you why your mindset and your body must be healthy first if you want to lose weight and keep it off forever.

For more tools and resources from Carolyn Hansen to assist you in attaining your health and fitness goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:

Carolyn Hansen Fitness

Carbohydrates: The Good and the Bad

simple-and-complex-carbohydratesIn the typical “diet world” there is a high amount of controversy over carbohydrate consumption. People everywhere have jumped onto the low carb bandwagon believing that this nutrient is most likely to lead to fat gain occurring.

Additionally, they firmly believe that carbohydrates are the primary reasons for so many diseases today and for optimal health, they needed to be eliminated.

Although there is truth in those statements, most people continue to miss the key factor; it’s the type of carbohydrates you are consuming more than anything else that matters. [Read more…]

Terrible Toxins are Making You Fat

toxins2Our toxic world is one of the reasons we become overweight.

Toxins are stored in your fat cells and this is one of the primary reasons why many people have trouble maintaining healthy weight or losing excess weight.

Nearly 77,000 known chemicals are in active production and our exposure to these chemicals is greater than at any time in history. Our food supply gets hit with 3,000 added chemicals and more than 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are used in food processing and storage. [Read more…]

Muscles, Energy and Metabolism

thermicHere are some basic key tips to understand when talking about muscles, energy and metabolism.

What you need to know:

Muscles use energy when they contract (they are highly metabolic so the more toned muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn).

The more intense muscle contractions become the more energy they will use to perform the movement.

[Read more…]

The Wonders of Veggie Juicing

veggie juiceAnyone who has been diagnosed with a serious disease has been advised to start a juicing program.

Juicing can be done successfully with fruits and vegetables but there is something that vegetables can offer more of than fruits…chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is something most people associate as the “green substance” in plants. It’s true, it is the “green substance” but so much more. [Read more…]