Thyroid Dysfunction and Yo-Yo Dieting

thyroid-weight-lossHormones are chemical substances produced in the body that control and regulate the activity of certain cells and organs. Life would not exist without hormones doing their jobs; they essentially affect every activity of life…digestion, metabolism, reproduction, growth and mood.

Thyroxine, one of two thyroid hormones (the other is triiodothyronine) is incredibly important because it controls the rate at which our cells burn energy…in other words, our metabolic rate.

Thyroxine is also called T4 and is made up of the amino acid tyrosine and 4 iodine atoms. Even though T4 has little effect on our cells, enzymes in the liver and kidneys convert T4 to T3, an active hormone that stimulates our cells and thyroid receptors which in turn affects our metabolism. [Read more…]